Use "dabchick|dabchicks" in a sentence

1. A more than slightly crazy dabbler, Hair mussed, Bedabbled clothes: “I am suffering from andabatism! So I must call someone who knows!” He hastily phoned the dabster: “I've heard you’re one of the pros! Of the dabb; dabchick; daboia- Which has the strongest nose?” The above poem is my take on d’Verse’s Quadrille challenge #119.

2. A more than slightly crazy dabbler, Hair mussed, bedabbled clothes: “I am suffering from Andabatism! So I must call someone who knows!” He hastily phoned the dabster: “I've heard you’re one of the pros! Of the dabb; dabchick; daboia- Which has the strongest nose?” The above poem is my take on d’Verse’s Quadrille challenge #119.